Friday, March 13, 2009

Giving Christ First Place - New Study

Giving Christ First Place - Based on the Bible Series "First Place" by Carole Lewis. Link to website:

I first started this study in 2001. It was August and I wanted a way to get the "whole" person in line with God's Word and His plans for my life. As with many things in my life, I started with gusto and energy----then 9/11 came. I retreated to work, I was leading a big project and working hours and hours gave me comfort. The boys were teenagers, my husband was stuck in New York City working under "new" rules and I felt lost.

I abandoned the study and picked up the book several times in the past eight years. Now I feel compelled to come back to it and share that study with you. This is a program of wellness. I encourage you to visit the website and purchase the study "Giving Christ First Place". This study is ten weeks long--that takes us right up to Summer!

The goal is to put Christ in the center of our lives and let Him extend into the mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional portions of our selves--the WHOLE person. I pray you'll embark on this journey with me. Comment on the post or drop me an email and let me know how you are doing with the plan.

Each study will take about 20 minutes to complete. I encourage you to get a journal or start an e-journal in Word or another word processing program of your choice. You should track your progress, write your thoughts and scripture verses so you ca look back on your progress. I've been keeping journals of some form for the past 15 years. While all of my entries aren't fun to re-read, I can see God working in my life and also rejoice in answers to prayer over the years.

Here are a few guidelines to get started:

1. Pray before each study
2. Have your Bible ready or your e-Bible link up and ready to go
3. Be prepared with a pen and paper or online journal
5. Enjoy!

Week 1 - Day 1

Time for What You Seek First

Weekly Memory Verse: Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things will be added to you

Look at your calendar and note where you spend most of your time and energy--is it with God? Do you have time pencilled in each day with Him?

Now look at your checkbook or debit slips--where are you spending most of your money? Is it on basic needs and giving to the Kingdom? If not, notice where you are placing priorities. Is there a vacuum or hole in your heart? I know the One who can fill that space! His name is Jesus--or Jehovah Jireh, My Provider.

Read Matthew 6:25 and jot down some of the things that Jesus says will divert our attention from His priorities:

Read Matthew 6:26-30 and write down what God wants you to learn from the birds and the flowers.

When you start to understand how God provides for your needs you believe that He will do all His Word says it will do in your life. Read Philippians 4:19. Do you believe that He will supply ALL of your needs? Why or why not?

What needs in your life do you have? Will you turn them over to God now?

Wanting Christ to be in first place and Living with Christ in first place are two different things. When you begin to put Christ first in your life, your priorities and decisions will change. Meditate on the weekly memorization verse.

When you put Him first, Seek Him first, He will sustain you and meet your every need. As you go about your day, be mindful of where you spend your time, money and energy. Say a prayer of thanks to Him.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you and praise you that you put me first in your heart; as I put you first let me seek you, know you, meditate on you and your Word. I thank you Father for the time to spend in your Word, fellowshipping with each other in holy communion. Thanks Jesus for your comforter, the Holy Spirit in guiding and teaching me. I praise you and give you honor and glory. Amen, Sister Lisa

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