Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 25 - The Accusing Tongue

Day 25 - The Accusing Tongue

"The accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before God day and night, had been hurled down." Rev 12:10

Most of you are familiar with the story of Job. He lost everything: family, possessions, livelihood, his health. His friends and wife tried to comfort him by accusing him of pride, covetousness and other sins which, they conjectured, was why all of this evil befell him.

The friends had the intent to comfort Job; but they spent their time telling Job what a bad person he must be for God to cause him so much loss. Job knew he was a righteous man, he believed that God would have mercy on him and restore his life. Job suffered without complaints but rather chose to praise God for His Sovereignty, His Provision, and His Salvation.

Have you been falsely accused? Have you falsely accused someone? That is Satan's main job--to accuse the brethren day and night before Almighty God. Don't fall prey to the devil's tactics. Don't allow him to use you to cast doubt and shame on one of God's children.

When you are wronged, something is broken or you believe someone else committed a wrong. STOP! God's word give clear direction on how to handle this situation. It is shown in the story of Adam and Eve.

God uses wisdom and maturity to ask Adam and Eve about trespassing in the Garden of Eden. "Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, "Where are you?" So he said, "I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself." And He said, Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat?" Gen 3:9-11

Now, God already knew the answer but He gave Adam the opportunity to explain himself. Ask and listen. This is all we need to do when we believe someone has done something wrong or lied. If you are accused, remember that all lies originate with he devil--he is the father of all lies. What should you do if you are accused? Go to God and ask Him to reveal the truth. That's it. It is futile to argue with others. If you can go to the person who started the lie and simply state that the information is not true, that is fine as long as you do it in love and forgiveness.

AFFIRMATION: God, you know all. You are Truth and therefore, today I will not accuse anyone of wrongdoing but will ask and listen to the circumstances. If I am accused Father, I ask you to bring the truth to light, I forgive the person who accused me since I know that the devil is the master of all lies and you have already defeated him. I thank you for your truth, your words and your love. Amen, Sister Lisa

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